Intense Oud Shines in Meta's Spotlight
Intense Oud Shines in Meta's Spotlight

Breaking Through the Bustle
In a recent digital triumph, Intense Oud has become a focal point on an international casestudy carried out by meta featuring their excellence towards advance + shopping campaign and shop add.This recognition indicates the progress Intense Oud have made in relation to e-commerce and Facebook Ads.
A Fragrant Partnership with Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns:Intense Oud is one of the top players in the fragrance industry who recently began marketing its products through Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns platform by Meta that is specifically designed for online shopping businesses. The primary objective was clear: increasing the impact of intense oud’s products on customers and interacting with their audience in earnest.
Find out the case study here;

The Success Story
Intense Oud, a fragrance ecommerce retailer with a vast collection of over 3,000 Middle Eastern fragrances, perfume oils, incense, and incense burners, sought to enhance its online sales. Notably, the company is famous for shipping its products across the world including the US and owns the retail Experience Center situated in Chicago. There is a fragrance center situated here which permits perfume lovers to sample different perfumes, consult the Fragrance Consultants, and go through the special buying procedure.
The chief executive officer (CEO), Abdul Karim Ahmed pointed out that Shops are important for their advertising, claiming that they consider Shops as ‘future of advertising’ in the fragrance market, hence currently they are developing their shop as a digital asset aimed to increase sales.

The Solution
For its objective of increasing online sales, Intense Oud turned to Advantage+ shopping campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. A high tech solution that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning makes it easy and quick to create a campaign, set up ads, and manage an account.Instead of having several small-scale campaigns with limited testing capacity, an advertiser will use one Advantage+ Shopping campaign that tests up to 150 different combinations and automatically chooses optimum ads. Meta proposed including Shop Ads in such a move and making things happen smoothly by blending both options together.
The A/B Test

An A/B test was conducted comparing the performances, Cell A compared the performance of an Advantage+ shopping campaign that sent the user directly to Intense Oud website, while cell B compared the performance of another Advantage+ shopping campaign with shops ad which automatically sent the user to a website or shop. Everything else in the campaign, however, was the same.

The results revealed the complementary impact of Advantage+ shopping campaign on combined cells that displayed the same formatting of adverts, placements, audience, and budget were consistent. The combination was more powerful, attracting a larger audience as compared with just advantage+ shopping campaigns. In addition to that, the incorporation of two conversion points increased Intense oud’s reach and facilitated convenience in online purchasing, supporting the complementary relationship between Advantage+ shopping ads and Shops Ads.
A Closer Look at the Numbers

Looking Forward
Intense Oud’s performance through Meta Advantage+ Shopping campaigns and Shops Ads proves how great innovative advertising works. Hence, the performance of the fragrance company says much for the future possibilities of success and growth.The last point is that the partnership between Intense Oud and Meta proves that a thoroughly planned digital marketing plan can be very efficient. This success story is an inspiration to any organization that would like to optimize its online platforms with positive outcomes.